Motivate Consumers With Direct Mail – From Perusing to Purchasing

In today’s digital age, does direct mail still have the power to influence buyers’ decisions? According to research from the United States Postal Service, the answer is yes. Eighty-nine percent (89%) of mail recipients say that relevant direct mail has moved them to take some kind of action.

Action TOTAL
Went to a company’s website 42%
Went to a company’s physical location to shop 26%
Shared the information with someone 23%
Made a purchase after seeing an item in a mailpiece 21%
Went to a company’s app 20%
Made a purchase after receiving a reminder in the mail 19%
Took no action 21%

What actions are mail recipients most likely to take? The most common is to go to a company’s website (42%), followed by going to a company’s physical location to shop (26%). Twenty-one percent (21%) say it motivated them to make a purchase, either in-store or online.

Different generations of consumers will react differently to their mail. Let’s take a look at how direct mail motivates different generations to make purchases, specifically.

Generation Z

Gen Zs are today’s teens and twenty-somethings. Nearly one-quarter of these shoppers say they make purchases as a result of direct mail.

  • 26% went to a physical location to shop.
  • 21% made a purchase after seeing an item in a mailpiece.
  • 19% made a purchase after receiving a reminder in the mail.


Millennials are between 24–40 years old. When receiving relevant direct mail, these shoppers were even more motivated to make a purchase than their younger counterparts.

  • 28% went to a physical location to shop.
  • 27% made a purchase after seeing an item in a mailpiece.
  • 24% made a purchase after receiving a reminder in the mail.

Gen X

Gen X consumers are between 41–56 years old. More than one in five of these shoppers is motivated by direct mail to make a purchase:

  • 21% went to a physical location to shop.
  • 22% made a purchase after seeing an item in a mailpiece.
  • 19% made a purchase after receiving a reminder in the mail.

Baby Boomers

Boomers, or those between 56–75 years old, have been collecting “stuff” their entire lives and are the least likely to make a purchase as a result of a mailpiece. However, they do have the most disposable income of any generation, so when they do make purchases, they have more money to spend. How do they respond to direct mail pieces?

  • 8% went to a physical location to shop.
  • 15% made a purchase after seeing an item in a mailpiece.
  • 12% made a purchase after receiving a reminder in the mail.

While there are differences between generations, the overall trend is clear. Direct mail is a powerful motivator. Whether it motivates consumers to visit the company’s physical location or to make a purchase online, physical mail is the catalyst that gets shoppers to take action.